I am with you there about the discrimination in employment and women
being treated as sex objects. Nothing more revolting than being
approached by unattractive men I didn't want.
Sorry my comment bothered you - as in how dare I think some man is unattractive.
This is a discussion...your comment didn't bother me in the least. As far as I'm concerned you can "dare" to say whatever you please. I'm a little curious as to why you seem to have jumped to the conclusion that I was "bothered" or that I thought you shouldn't have "dared "to speak your mind? Could it be that you've been conditioned to believe men in general are out to repress you somehow? Hopefully you don't treat the men in your life as if this is so.
When I was a young
girl I'd never go with an older guy (yuck) , even if he was good
Again, your words seem to indicate that the problem here is the man's appearance, attractiveness or age rather than his inappropriate behavior. You seem to be indicating that you would even be offended if a single eligible man approached you, simply because he was old (yuck) . I completely understand that, but when a man passes over an older woman, simply because of her age (yuck), he's considered a superficial jerk...even a pig. The point I was trying to make earlier is that men are sometimes held to a different standard, by women. Some women are flattered when a an attractive man shows interest in them but are insulted and even call it harassment when a unattractive man shows the exact same interest.
Handsome Guy: You look nice today
Woman: (beaming at the compliment) Thank you!
Old or homely guy: You look nice today.
Woman: thinking to herself (yuck, why do I get all the creeps?)
This thread is about sexual harassment, by the way, and not about
white men being blamed for the ills of the world (I happen to agree with
you but that's for another discussion).
I'm well aware of the topic of this thread. All I'm "daring" to say is that men through the ages have done what was expected of them by their mothers and fathers. They were expected to take charge, be assertive go-getters and were considered weak if they didn't follow suit. These days, men take all the heat for the actions and traditions of the past and their resulting problems. No one would ever dare to blame the world situation on the lack of assertiveness or the weakness shown on the part of women because women wouldn't stand for it. Today, somehow it's ok to blame everything on men in general even though they were expected to take charge and were despised by women, if they were weak. As I said before, those who are in charge or appear to have all the power, whether it be a parent, teacher, politician, minister or whatever. Even though they are doing their duty, they are often resented and have a target on their back and are damned if they do or don't.
Despite the obvious oppression, and even though mothers expected their daughters to be demure and "ladylike" there were many women (even doubly oppressed black women) who did what they wanted despite the expectations of their Mothers and bullying by men. Sarah Bickford comes to mind.
Men who sexually harass come in all colors. If a man thinks he can get away with it, he'll go for it.
Isn't that a known human trait in general? Men women and children all tend to want what they want and will "go for it" if they think they stand the slightest chance. Most people do the right thing but we only focus on the Men and children who bully others and we ignore the women who've oppressed and bullied and taken advantage of other women when they had the chancel.
All I'm saying is that as long as we keep hashing over the wrongs of the past, pointing fingers and participating in these old double standards, our progress will be hampered. As long as people are taught to view themselves as victims, they will look for someone to blame their problems on and ignore the fact that it is possible to take charge of their own outcome.
The original post reminds me of how popular it is in the media to focus on these topics not because they actually care but because these these divisive topics sell $$. The general public falls right into line with the hate. People who have never been harassed or repressed are angry for the people of the past who were and focus on that rather than focusing on the majority of good that takes place and the strides that have been made. Just think what a mess a family would be if the parents focused on the past mistakes of their kids even though they've made good progress.
The same thing has happened with our human family.